Data Availability Policy
Riset Akuntansi dan Portofolio Investasi (RAPI) requires as a condition for publication, that data supporting the results in the paper should be archived in an appropriate public archive. Riset Akuntansi dan Portofolio Investasi (RAPI) recommends the authors utilize the supplementary files option in Open Journal Systems, which is free and open to all researchers worldwide to share, cite, reuse, and archive research data. Data are important products of the scientific enterprise, and they should be preserved and usable for decades in the future. Authors may elect to have the data publicly available at the time of publication. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the editor, especially for sensitive information such as human subject data or the location of endangered species. Any exceptions should be documented in a statement in the public article (Adapted from Joint Data Archiving Policy (JDAP)).