Aims and Scope

Riset Akuntansi dan Portofolio Investasi is a double peer-reviewed journal. The RAPI welcomes academicians, researchers, and practitioners to submit articles in the field of science which relevant to the journal's requirements. Articles submitted must have a good scientific contribution to the development of the field of science and meet the needs of stakeholders. Stakeholders as the target audience of RAPI are also academicians, researchers, practitioners, and other users who use the results of studies for the benefit of decision-making and policy formulation. The authors kindly pay attention to the focus and scope of the journal as follows.

Aims of RAPI

  • Finance studies
  • Accounting studies
  • Business studies

Scope of RAPI

  • Financial accounting
  • General business management
  • Financial management
  • Corporate finance
  • Investment portfolio
  • Auditing (in accounting)
  • Taxation