Analysis of factors affecting on local government’s financial losses in North Sulawesi


  • Tutur Ompusunggu Sam Ratulangi University
  • Herman Karamoy Sam Ratulangi University
  • Hendrik Gamaliel Sam Ratulangi University



internal control effectivity, audit findings, audit opinion, completion of follow up audit results, characteristics of regional heads, local government’s financial losses


This study intends to examine if internal control effectivity, audit findings, audit opinion, completion of follow up audit results and characteristics of regional head have impacts on local government’s financial losses. The study will use district and city local governments in North Sulawesi province as a case study to examine this relationship. Using a sample of 80 respondents in the year 2024, this study draws on primary sources to examine all of the local governments in North Sulawesi Province. Multiple linear regression analysis was processed by Smart PLS version 3.0 software program in order to analyze data and evaluate hypothesis. This study demonstrate that: (1) effectiveness of internal control system has a negative and significant effect on local government’s financial losses; (2) audit findings has negative and significant effect on local government’s financial losses; (3) audit opinion has negative and significant effect on local government’s financial losses; (4) completion of follow up audit results has negative and significant effect on local government’s financial losses; and (5) characteristics of regional heads has negative and significant effect on local government’s financial losses.


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How to Cite

Ompusunggu, T., Karamoy, H., & Gamaliel, H. (2024). Analysis of factors affecting on local government’s financial losses in North Sulawesi. The Contrarian : Finance, Accounting, and Business Research, 3(2), 226–240.


